Alternative health practitioners frequently recommend the use of colloidal silver water because of its strong anti-microbial properties. This medication was coming into common use for the treatment of infections, but the development of antibiotics such as penicillin which were easier to use unfortunately halted this use. With the problems associated with antibiotic-resistant strains of microbes, the treatment is rightly enjoying a resurgence in popularity.
The good news is that this product has been found effective against various strains of the influenza virus, including avian flu and organisms known to be resistant to most known antibiotics, such as MRSA (golden staph). It can be used topically for many conditions and is effective as a gargle or nasal spray. It is extremely effective against both tetanus and diphtheria. In fact, it destroys most micro-organisms.
Except if taken in exceptionally high doses, it is harmless to humans. Taken internally, it can cause diarrhea by destroying the intestinal flora, so it is better to swirl a dose around in the mouth so the it is absorbed directly through the mucous membrane of the mouth. It may be taken as a nutritional supplement or to combat an infection. Doses of a teaspoon or two are effective in most cases.
Unfortunately, not many of the bottles sold as colloidal silver actually contain any: most consist of one of two other cheaper near-relatives. Ionic silver is reasonably effective when used externally, but is inactivated by compounds in the body if swallowed. It can be distinguished as it is completely colorless, without the slightly cloudy appearance from Metal particles deflecting the light. Silver protein, the other option frequently supplied is much less effective than the other two and can turn the skin blue. If you shake a bottle containing a solution, a foam is created which lasts for a while. It is also darker in color.Both of these are much less powerful as they contain less of the metal, which is also why they are cheaper.
Micro-organisms can't develop a resistance to this product. When it was tested, it destroyed all the organisms it was tried on, and there were many. More modern studies around the globe have revealed the same pattern, with resistant strains also being destroyed easily.
There have been some studies which have found it ineffective in preventing the growth of bacteria in agar. Whether this was based on the correct product cannot be established. Further investigation would be needed to establish the facts. There is also a lot of evidence from research by reputable independent laboratories about its ability to destroy most pathogens, but there might be some microbes which are immune.
Because this has been used for so long, a patent cannot be taken out on it. This has reduced marketing efforts, although it is possible that drug companies will develop combinations of drugs containing this colloid which can then be patented. This has also resulted in research not being funded by the drug companies.
As a medication for home use, it can be bought over the counter and is amazingly effective. For these reasons colloidal silver water deserves a place in every home. With many happy users and also as it is becoming more popular when used as a means to fight resistant organisms, it is unlikely to fade into obscurity again.
The good news is that this product has been found effective against various strains of the influenza virus, including avian flu and organisms known to be resistant to most known antibiotics, such as MRSA (golden staph). It can be used topically for many conditions and is effective as a gargle or nasal spray. It is extremely effective against both tetanus and diphtheria. In fact, it destroys most micro-organisms.
Except if taken in exceptionally high doses, it is harmless to humans. Taken internally, it can cause diarrhea by destroying the intestinal flora, so it is better to swirl a dose around in the mouth so the it is absorbed directly through the mucous membrane of the mouth. It may be taken as a nutritional supplement or to combat an infection. Doses of a teaspoon or two are effective in most cases.
Unfortunately, not many of the bottles sold as colloidal silver actually contain any: most consist of one of two other cheaper near-relatives. Ionic silver is reasonably effective when used externally, but is inactivated by compounds in the body if swallowed. It can be distinguished as it is completely colorless, without the slightly cloudy appearance from Metal particles deflecting the light. Silver protein, the other option frequently supplied is much less effective than the other two and can turn the skin blue. If you shake a bottle containing a solution, a foam is created which lasts for a while. It is also darker in color.Both of these are much less powerful as they contain less of the metal, which is also why they are cheaper.
Micro-organisms can't develop a resistance to this product. When it was tested, it destroyed all the organisms it was tried on, and there were many. More modern studies around the globe have revealed the same pattern, with resistant strains also being destroyed easily.
There have been some studies which have found it ineffective in preventing the growth of bacteria in agar. Whether this was based on the correct product cannot be established. Further investigation would be needed to establish the facts. There is also a lot of evidence from research by reputable independent laboratories about its ability to destroy most pathogens, but there might be some microbes which are immune.
Because this has been used for so long, a patent cannot be taken out on it. This has reduced marketing efforts, although it is possible that drug companies will develop combinations of drugs containing this colloid which can then be patented. This has also resulted in research not being funded by the drug companies.
As a medication for home use, it can be bought over the counter and is amazingly effective. For these reasons colloidal silver water deserves a place in every home. With many happy users and also as it is becoming more popular when used as a means to fight resistant organisms, it is unlikely to fade into obscurity again.
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You can visit the website for more helpful information about Colloidal Silver Water Is An Alternative To Antibiotics