This article will explain the techniques of fertility acupuncture treatment that uses only one acupuncture point. The advantages of single point of acupuncture technique is its simplicity, so that anyone can do it themselves, though not a practitioner of acupuncture.
Primary sterility or infertility refers to married women, who live together with their spouse and have normal sexual relations for over two years, and fail to be pregnant without contraception. Secondary fertility problem refers to those women who fail to be pregnant over two years after having a previous delivery, miscarriage, or abortion, without contraception.
Acupuncture Points Used in Fertility Acupuncture Techniques: Guanyuan (RN 4). Guanyuan (RN 4) acupuncture point is located on the anterior midline, 3 cun below the umbilicus.
The technique which will be used is indirect moxibustion with ginger at the acupuncture point Guanyuan (RN 4). The ginger should have a diameter of 2 cm and a maximum thickness of 3 mm. Create a few holes in the ginger by pricking it, and then put a big moxa cone on top of it. Do therapy twice a day, ie in the morning and evening. In one therapy session, use five big pieces of moxa cone. Do therapy every day for a month, except during menstruation.
11 women successfully pregnant in the first year, from 30 women with infertility problems who were treated using this technique. Therapy is performed for 50 times.
The point Guanyuan (RN 4) belongs to the Ren Meridian, and has a relationship to the Du and Chong meridians. It is the origin of all three of these meridians. Moxibustion on this point can warm and stimulate them. The Chong, Du and Ren meridian control gynecological function.
You can practice yourself at home with this single point of technique to overcome fertility problems in women. Moxibustion tool can be found easily at a pharmacy or chinese drug store . We always look forward to your success!
Primary sterility or infertility refers to married women, who live together with their spouse and have normal sexual relations for over two years, and fail to be pregnant without contraception. Secondary fertility problem refers to those women who fail to be pregnant over two years after having a previous delivery, miscarriage, or abortion, without contraception.
Acupuncture Points Used in Fertility Acupuncture Techniques: Guanyuan (RN 4). Guanyuan (RN 4) acupuncture point is located on the anterior midline, 3 cun below the umbilicus.
The technique which will be used is indirect moxibustion with ginger at the acupuncture point Guanyuan (RN 4). The ginger should have a diameter of 2 cm and a maximum thickness of 3 mm. Create a few holes in the ginger by pricking it, and then put a big moxa cone on top of it. Do therapy twice a day, ie in the morning and evening. In one therapy session, use five big pieces of moxa cone. Do therapy every day for a month, except during menstruation.
11 women successfully pregnant in the first year, from 30 women with infertility problems who were treated using this technique. Therapy is performed for 50 times.
The point Guanyuan (RN 4) belongs to the Ren Meridian, and has a relationship to the Du and Chong meridians. It is the origin of all three of these meridians. Moxibustion on this point can warm and stimulate them. The Chong, Du and Ren meridian control gynecological function.
You can practice yourself at home with this single point of technique to overcome fertility problems in women. Moxibustion tool can be found easily at a pharmacy or chinese drug store . We always look forward to your success!
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