Relieving Illness the Chiropractic Way: A Chiropractor's Approach to Internal Medicine, Indigestion, and Infections

By Charles Leahy

D.D. Palmer re-discovered chiropractic medicine in the late 1800's. 'Chiropractic' originates from Greek, translating as, "hand practice," since the doctor uses his hands to align joints in the body. Ancient chiropractic had already been practiced for millenia in Egypt, Eastern Europe, and by Chinese acupuncturists. Chiropractors are bone setters who tend to focus on the spine.

Joint asymmetry is not always obvious to the untrained eye unless there is extensive trauma or years of neglect. The first symptom is the feeling of tightness in the joints. Muscles may also feel stiff, and our flexibility is asymmetrically reduced. When a joint is unable to move throughout its normal range of motion, we call it a subluxation-basically a "stuck joint." Medical doctors use the same word to mean a much more serious problem, but it is this chiropractic definition that will be used from here on.

Subluxations initiate a number of problems. For instance, joint movement helps to "pump" waste-ridden lymph and deoxygenized blood back to the heart. So lack of movement means the sewage is backed up and fresh blood has a more difficult time getting in, leaving the local tissues depraved and toxic.

Secondly, subluxations affect the spinal nerves which enter and exit between every vertebra. Nerve tissue is the most sensitive to trauma and toxic insult. Therefore, a spinal subluxation has a direct influence on the nearby nerve roots. These nerves go to muscle, bone, skin, glands, AND organs like the stomach, bowels, and gonads. This is how subluxations can cause visceral (organ) complaints like heartburn, constipation, and infertility.

When a patient has an infection, the chiropractic physician may adjust vertebra near nerves pertaining to the spleen or thymus. Once the brain can properly communicate with these organs, the body's natural defenses are empowered to fight the invading pathogen. After this conservative approach has been exhausted, should the problem persist, a necessary medical referral may then be given. This avoids unnecessary antibiotics, saving money, and maintaining proper flora.

When subluxations are left untreated, gravity and day-to-day stresses compound, structurally altering the joint until: (1) it compresses the nearby spinal nerve, resulting in weakness, shooting pain, or strange sensations, (2) Joint degeneration becomes irreversible osteoarthritis, until (3) collapse. Number 1 and number 3 may require surgery.

Chiropractors are the master joint manipulators to call on when feeling tight. They locate and fix the specific joints that are stuck, and position the patient comfortably. The doctor places his hand on one of the stuck levels and delivers a fast, shallow thrust. Often, a crack, crunch, or pop is experienced by the patient. Just as quickly, proper circulation and relief occur.

Regarding malpractice insurance, chiropractors are among the very lowest (by tens of thousands of dollars). This is a testament to its safety. Chiropractic compliments a holistic approach along with nutrition, acupuncture, herbs, and homeopathy. Chiropractors do not prescribe medications or perform surgery.

Medical doctors (MD, DO) are the best equipped for handling critical care, when big guns like emergency drugs or surgical intervention is required to maintain life, limb, etc. When a problem persists and is serious enough, go to the hospital or check with your medical professional. However, why try to kill a mosquito with a cannon? Wouldn't a fly swatter be a better approach for initial presentations such as aches and pains?

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