If you suffer from constant attacks of constipation, diarrhea, or both you're not alone. If these symptoms occur frequently around potentially stressful situations; you probably have a condition named Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome attacks many around the world, and oddly more women than men are affected. For all those who can relate to these frequent and often life interrupting symptoms, they only want to hear that there is a cure for IBS. There are many who have had this disease dictate the actions of their entire life. However, when they go to their doctor hoping that this visit will yield an IBS cure, they usually receive a long drawn out dissertation on the history of the disease, a few over the counter stomach ache medicines that might help, and a prescription for an anti-anxiety medicine. Instead of an IBS cure, these patients receive a drug that they will no doubt become dependent on and often still have the same symptoms. Often times, people with IBS spend a lot of money and time looking for answers from multiple doctors and technicians. If you are like many of these sufferes, you might have received some releife, but the disease is far from cured or gone. However, there is an IBS cure made of natural supplements available from Bavolex.
In our current age of high stress careers and long work days, its no wonder doctors believe as many as one in five Americans sufferer from IBS. Yet, stress is only one theory as to how weve become a population suffering from IBS. Other popular theories include diet, gender, and illness.
Spastic colon specifically refers to the muscles in the small and large intestines and how they can contract uncontrollably, leading to cramps and diarrhea or constipation. Imagine your hand opening and closing quickly and without your control, and you have an idea of how spastic colon works. The condition keeps the intestine and the bowels from properly working, leaving the sufferer feeling bloated, weak and otherwise miserable.
Other substances such as alcohol and antibiotic medication can cause symptoms to worsen. Eating excessively large meals and drinking caffeinated beverages can aggravate the intestines and cause further bloating and discomfort.
Women are more likely to suffer from IBS than men. Scientific studies show female hormonal changes may play a role in this factor. There may be strong evidence to this since women with IBS tend to report exacerbations during their menstrual cycles, and also feel a stronger need to seek out IBS relief. Even men, though, can experience exacerbations in their IBS symptoms along with women when sick with intestinal illnesses and other sicknesses that bring the immune system down.
Diet is an important component of managing IBS, along with a stress-reduced lifestyle and appropriate medicine. Bavolex naturally balances and soothes the bowel and intestines. Doctor-recommended Bavolex features healthy ingredients such as lemon balm, ginger and fennel seed to naturally reduce the uncomfortable and painful symptoms associated with IBS. Adding Bavolex to a healthy lifestyle can bring strong relief to IBS sufferers--naturally.
In our current age of high stress careers and long work days, its no wonder doctors believe as many as one in five Americans sufferer from IBS. Yet, stress is only one theory as to how weve become a population suffering from IBS. Other popular theories include diet, gender, and illness.
Spastic colon specifically refers to the muscles in the small and large intestines and how they can contract uncontrollably, leading to cramps and diarrhea or constipation. Imagine your hand opening and closing quickly and without your control, and you have an idea of how spastic colon works. The condition keeps the intestine and the bowels from properly working, leaving the sufferer feeling bloated, weak and otherwise miserable.
Other substances such as alcohol and antibiotic medication can cause symptoms to worsen. Eating excessively large meals and drinking caffeinated beverages can aggravate the intestines and cause further bloating and discomfort.
Women are more likely to suffer from IBS than men. Scientific studies show female hormonal changes may play a role in this factor. There may be strong evidence to this since women with IBS tend to report exacerbations during their menstrual cycles, and also feel a stronger need to seek out IBS relief. Even men, though, can experience exacerbations in their IBS symptoms along with women when sick with intestinal illnesses and other sicknesses that bring the immune system down.
Diet is an important component of managing IBS, along with a stress-reduced lifestyle and appropriate medicine. Bavolex naturally balances and soothes the bowel and intestines. Doctor-recommended Bavolex features healthy ingredients such as lemon balm, ginger and fennel seed to naturally reduce the uncomfortable and painful symptoms associated with IBS. Adding Bavolex to a healthy lifestyle can bring strong relief to IBS sufferers--naturally.
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Looking to find info on Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms, then visit our website to find the best information on What To Do If You Have IBS And Constipation? for you.