What Can Work as a Diabetes Cure

By Ronaldo Tesan

The clinical manifestation of diabetes tends to manifest much later than the situation occurs in your body, diabetes vitamins it is recommended to have your blood sugar levels identified timely. Diabetes type 1 can be controlled with physical exercise, insulin and a balanced diet. Diabetes type 2 is first treated with weight control, a diabetic diet and exercise.

Exercise is extremely important in managing diabetes type II because it lowers the bled glucose levels by increasing the up take of the glucose by body muscles and by improving insulin utilization people with diabetes should excursive at the time and in the same amount each day a slow gradual increase in the excursive period is encouraged.

A reaction to eating the raw bitter melon fruit that has been investigated is a hypoglycemic reaction. The bitter melon fruit has lectin like bitter melon diabetes which lowers the level of blood glucose by linking with insulin receivers and acts like insulin in the brain by suppressing appetite. The effect of bitter melon as a natural diabetes treatment in bitter melon diabetes offers hope to those who suffer from the 6Th largest fatality causing disease, diabetes. A bitter melon gourd called Momordica charantia in bitter melon diabetes is used in the treatment of the disease known as diabetes mellitus.

Insulin is another method of controlling diabetes, this is used on type1 diabetics and type 2 diabetics, the difference between type 1 is that Insulin is needed because the pancreas is not producing any insulin at all, type 2 is a lot different in that the pancreas is producing some insulin, so insulin is just assisting the pancreas in lifting the levels in the diabetes blood.

Type 1 diabetes is where the body is unable to produce insulin. Individuals with this condition need to use insulin shots as part of treatment for diabetes. Those with type 2 diabetes produce insufficient insulin for body requirements. Natural treatment for diabetes can be used to deal with the problem.

Eating less carbs and consuming more protein has proven effective in helping some people take their glucose levels into the normal range .This can be a diabetes natural cure. Any carbohydrates that are consumed should be of the complex type. They should have a low glycemic index. These foods are beans lentils and whole wheat products. Most fruit is also on the list because of it's high fiber content. Surprisingly enough spaghetti is also on the list. because it is made of Seminole flour it will not spike blood sugar levels. A diabetes natural cure can be possible with diet.

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