Cleansing prime goal is to eradicate toxins that have stored up over time in the system. Bodily activities at the cellular & tissue levels are adversely affected by the toxins. Toxins are abundant in the natural surroundings and the human organs. Toxins exist in environmental pollutants, nicotine of tobacco, pesticides and food preservatives and additives. The best body cleanse must stamp out majority of the body's toxin load.
Cleansing also called detoxification is a form of alternative medicine that can be complied with and is also cheap. Detoxification is based on the fact that toxins accumulation leads to autointoxication which ultimately presents as disease. Thus, the main advantage of cleansing is to prevent disease. There are various types of cleansing as described below.
Detoxification diets are food schedules designed to steer clear of junk plus processed diets while encouraging the consumption of low quantities of water and juices. This fast encourages the human organs to catabolize the fat stores with the resultant release of toxins contained therein into the blood and the subsequent excretion by the skin, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. The intestinal region renews itself during the fast.
Colon cleansing uses stool softeners and colonics to remove impacted fecal matter that causes autointoxication and irrigate the colon till it is clean. Stool softeners include mineral and cascara oil. These softeners act on the fecal matter making it softer.
Heavy metal detoxification comprises removal of mercury-amalgam fillings that are potential sources of mercury poisoning. Chelation therapy uses chemicals such as sodium edetate and succimer to chelate. This metals help eliminate the unnecessary metal ions in your system.
Foot & skin detoxification utilize a foot bath that has flow water that has been mildly electrically charged. Toxins that appear shortly thereafter combine with ions, and thus cannot be absorbed back by the system. The best body cleanse possible follows the above regimen.
Cleansing also called detoxification is a form of alternative medicine that can be complied with and is also cheap. Detoxification is based on the fact that toxins accumulation leads to autointoxication which ultimately presents as disease. Thus, the main advantage of cleansing is to prevent disease. There are various types of cleansing as described below.
Detoxification diets are food schedules designed to steer clear of junk plus processed diets while encouraging the consumption of low quantities of water and juices. This fast encourages the human organs to catabolize the fat stores with the resultant release of toxins contained therein into the blood and the subsequent excretion by the skin, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. The intestinal region renews itself during the fast.
Colon cleansing uses stool softeners and colonics to remove impacted fecal matter that causes autointoxication and irrigate the colon till it is clean. Stool softeners include mineral and cascara oil. These softeners act on the fecal matter making it softer.
Heavy metal detoxification comprises removal of mercury-amalgam fillings that are potential sources of mercury poisoning. Chelation therapy uses chemicals such as sodium edetate and succimer to chelate. This metals help eliminate the unnecessary metal ions in your system.
Foot & skin detoxification utilize a foot bath that has flow water that has been mildly electrically charged. Toxins that appear shortly thereafter combine with ions, and thus cannot be absorbed back by the system. The best body cleanse possible follows the above regimen.